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  • What is Intuitive Reading?
    During an intuitive reading session, the practitioner taps into their intuitive abilities to connect with the client's energy field and higher consciousness. Through various intuitive techniques the practitioner receives messages, symbols, and impressions from the client's subconscious mind, spirit guides, and the universal consciousness. These insights are then shared with the client in a supportive and non-judgmental manner, providing clarity, validation, and guidance on their life path, relationships, career, and spiritual journey. Intuitive readings can illuminate hidden patterns, unresolved issues, and potential pathways for growth and healing, empowering the client to make informed decisions and navigate life's challenges with confidence and grace. Whether seeking answers to specific questions or seeking guidance on broader life themes, intuitive readings offer a sacred space for self-reflection, empowerment, and spiritual awakening. Each reading is a unique and transformative experience, tailored to the individual needs and intentions of the client, guiding them towards greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives. Readings can be open-ended working with whatever symbols, emotions or energies feel most present to the client or can be geared towards specific subjects.
  • Are you able to speak with other individuals living or dead?
    Medium work or Channeling is a more specialized form of Intuition that We do not specifically offer at this time. Occasionally unresolved issues from the deceased can be a part of ones inner journey. It can be difficult to discern if one is engaging with a symbolic representation of someone they know, or a true part of their non-physical being. We are Orpheus Veiled have an open mind to the possible of contact with the afterlife, and those who have passed on but recommend going to someone who specializes in that type of work if you are specifically hoping to talk to the departed. if an experience of a passed on person making contact occurs during a session we always do our best to guide people through it. The collective psyche, and the realm of spirits is interconnected and it is possible to experience many things while in intuitive sessions. We offer that clients practice Discernment, as interactions and visions tend to be metaphors and symbols of deeper truths, rather than literal experiences.
  • What About Spirits, Guides, Angels and other non Physical beings
    We are happy to work with or include any particular beings that you have made contact with or wish to make contact with. The realm of the psyche is vast and complex, full of a variety of experiences and wisdom. We at Orpheus Veiled are open-minded about the existence of non-physical entities, and offer that working with them has been beneficial to many people throughout history. The "realness" of these beings from the scientific empirical standpoint is not something we commit a strong opinion to at this time. Weather these beings truly exist in some form beyond our minds is not entirely proven by modern science, but we see many perspectives here. We hold a post-materialistic perspective here that values direct mystical experiences as complementary to empirical science, they are not equivalent, and one is not superior to the other. They are merely different ways of looking at reality, and complementary tools to find deeper understanding. if you would like to incorporate any form of non-physical entity into our sessions we welcome it, we do request you provide us with information ahead of time when possible. Our ability to research and understand the spirits or beings you work with ahead of time greatly improves the quality of the readings or meditation work.
  • Are you a Licensed Practitioner?
    We do not presently have any licenses or accreditations. It is important to note that we are not licensed to Diagnose any mental disorders, or prescribe any medications for mental or physical conditions. We integrate some modern psychology Theory and practice into or work. We value and respect the strides in understanding that modern neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry have brought to the world, and to mental health. We offer a set of tools derived from a variety of traditions, and seek to help people foster an empowered sense of self-mastery by aiding them in developing their own intuitions. A wise person should use all the tools at their disposal, and we advise people to take what resonates and works for them. Our services are not meant to replace classic psychological therapies or medications, though they can be seen as a different path, we see them as another set of tools for people to use. If you have any diagnosed psychological conditions, medications or other medical conditions you feel will be relevant to us please us know in your personal notes section on the booking form. We will be happy to work with you in any capacity we can to improve the quality of your life.
  • Do you do Tarot Readings or Astrology Readings?
    It is not our specialty but we are familiar with both practices. Both the system of Tarot, and the Mapping of the Planetary Bodies can be potent for navigating our psyches. We see them as a set of tools to sort through experiences and give context to our lives. The forces of the Tarot represent archetypical forces that shape our understanding of ourselves, and our culture. They are part of the building blocks of how we make sense of the world. Additionally, the movement of the planets, and its effects have been studied for many centuries we are all interconnected to the world around us. Understanding these connections can be greatly beneficial to our wellbeing. If you would like to incorporate Tarot Readings or your Astrological charts into our sessions, please ensure you mention as such in your booking form we are happy to incorporate them into your readings or meditative sessions. If something is valuable and important to your spiritual practice, it is important to us too.
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